An Uneasy Marriage,
An Unholy Alliance.
The Fate of the Tala is the fifth book in The Uncharted Realms series by Jeffe Kennedy and is the epic finale to a story that begun at the beginning of the Twelve Kingdoms Series with The Mark of the Tala.
Andi was born the second of three daughters to the High King of the Twelve Kingdoms. Awkward and introverted Andi is now Andromeda, the Sorceress Queen of Annfwn and she’s standing at the precipice of a devastating war.
As the undead powers of Deyrr gather their forces, their High Priestess focusses on Andi, undermining her at every turn. At the magical barrier that protects the Thirteen Kingdoms, a massive Dasnarian navy has assembled ready to pounce the moment Andi’s strength fails.
Though her sisters and friends gather around her, Andi finds that her husband, Rayfe, plagued with fears over her pregnancy, has withdrawn and growing ever more distant.
Fighting battles on too many fronts, Andi can’t afford to weaken, after all, she is all that stands between all that’s good in the world and purest evil.
“That was the Annfwn of the past, however. One that seemed doomed to be lost forever. And it would be all my fault that I hadn’t saved it.”
I absolutely loved this book and believe it is an impeccable end to the series.
Jeffe Kennedy has done an amazing job of keeping this world fresh and intriguing across 12 books, I am just as invested with these characters as I was the very first time I picked up The Mark of the Tala and waded into the magical fantasy realm she created.
It was such a pleasure to be able to return to Andi and Rafe, to see how their relationship had progressed, and see Andi come into her full powers, shedding any remaining doubts and insecurities to truly become Andromeda, Sorceress Queen of Annfwn.
I also loved being able to see all the other characters we’ve come to know and love across these novels reunite.
I was so enthralled reading The Fate Of The Tala that it was like I could feel everything Andi was going through, all the fear for what could happen, the angst, confusion and despair about her relationship with Rayfe, I waited with baited breath as the calm turned into the storm and Andi finally faced the High Priestess.
I am so glad to say that everything about this novel lived up to, and surpassed, my expectations and hopes.
I would love to see more novels set in this world, and would love to get to see more of the Dasnarian’s and what happens to them now, and hope that a new spin-off series will be made or that The Chronicles of Dasnaria continue.
I loved everything about this book and cannot recommend it enough.
See where it all started and read The Mark Of The Tala today: