‘Payoff Pitch’ is the remarkable and brilliant fifth instalment in the ‘Philadelphia Patriots’ series written by V.K Sykes.
After promising to look after his sick aunts dogs, smooth talking Patriots Pitcher Noah Cade meets Teddy Quinn, dog walker for the rich, and hires her as a full-time dog sitter. What follows is an ingenious and original novel packed full of passionate and intelligent characters with a dynamic and complex plot.
I applaud Sykes on the depth and authenticity of this novel, and in fact the entire series. It’s quite obvious that a lot of hard work and research went into this series to help create such vivid and realistic novels.
The dynamic between Noah and Teddy was perfect, and the refreshingly mutual respect between the pair made ‘Payoff Pitch’ a pleasure to read, as well as making it a stand out novel in the romance genre.
There were a few misplaced speech marks and the occasional problem with grammar, however this did not have a major impact on the flow or enjoyment of the novel.
‘Payoff Pitch’ is an amazingly emotive read, and Sykes impeccable writing style avoided it from becoming an excessively angst filled novel.
‘Payoff Pitch’ could easily be read as a stand-alone novel, however I would recommend reading the series, as they are wonderful and captivating novels.