I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

“Because you’re a beautiful danger.”
Her heart squeezed. “I’m not a danger.”
“Then what are you?” He took one long step and was right in front of her.
She closed her eyes as she felt his hands on her hips. “I’m just . . . Rosie.”
“You’re not just anything.”
Moonlight Scandals is the brilliantly perfect third and final de Vincent Novel by Jennifer L. Armentrout.
Rosie Herpin is a ghost hunter, but even she couldn’t have foreseen the fateful meeting between two mourner that has brought her so intimately close to the notorious and seduction Devlin de Vincent.
To the locals of New Orleans Devlin is the devil. To Rosie he is a man who’s stoking her wildest fantasies. But when a brutal attack on her friend is linked to the de Vincents, he becomes a mystery she may be risking her life to solve.
Devlin knows what he wants from Roxy, but what does Rosie want from him? It’s a question that becomes more pressing and move dangerous when he suspects her of prying into the shadows of his past.
If Rosie wants to discover the truth about the de Vincents, she’s going to have to follow them straight into the arms of the man she can’t resist – the handsome devil himself.
“But I still don’t like you, Devlin. None of this means I like you.” His lips kicked up on one side. “I don’t care.” “Good.” “Because I know the truth.”
I’ve been dying to read Devlin’s book since the moment he appeared in Moonlight Sins and I am so glad to say that my hopes and expectations for him and his story were far surpassed.
Moonlight Scandals is a contemporary romance that’s absolutely packed with suspense, mystery, humour, and was an absolutely excellent edition to the series, and has the best plot twist I’ve read this year.
Jennifer L Armentrout’s books always have a lot of humour in them, but Rosie takes this to a whole new level with her witty sarcasm, which when combined with Devlin’s reserved personality and dry humour, made for some epically funny banter.
“I can’t picture you eating pralines.” “You can’t?” One eyebrow rose. “Yeah, I picture you eating raw vegetables, lots of fattrimmed steak, and beets.” “Beets?” She nodded. “Isn’t that what people eat when they’re in a permanent state of constipation?” His eyes widened and his mouth went lax. “Did you just suggest I was constipated?” “That would explain the attitude, wouldn’t it?” “Then what would explain yours?” “Mine has nothing to do with what I eat, but it’s affected by who I’m around, Dev.”
Devlin and Rosie had so much chemistry between them I thought for sure my e-reader was going to spontaneously combust.
“You want to kiss me?” she repeated, feeling foolish for even asking that question and for the flutter that picked up in her stomach. That small grin appeared again. “I do.” He paused. “Very badly.” The flutter now moved to her chest and felt like a nest of butterflies was going to beat its way out. “It’s the dress, isn’t it?” she said, half joking. “It is.” He lifted one hand and placed just the tip of his finger on the black lace that rested against her shoulder. The light touch caused the muscles in her stomach and much, much lower to tighten. “And it’s so much more than that.” “Really? How so?” He slowly, so damn slowly, dragged his finger down the collar. “Do I really need to explain why I want to kiss you?”
While Moonlight Scandals could be read as a standalone novel, but I strongly recommend reading the first two books in the series, Moonlight Sins and Moonlight Seduction, to get the full impact of the final reveal and the plot twist – and it is one hell of a plot twist.
(This review was originally posted in 2019 on my old blog)
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