Who knew what was meant to be a drunken one-night in Cancún could lead to so much?
The charismatic bouncer from Penny’s - and lovable secondary character in the previous novels – Ben Morris, finally gets his time under the spotlight with K.A Tuckers newest addition to the ‘Ten Tiny Breaths’ series; ‘Five Ways to Fall’.
Since the moment I read ‘Ten Tiny Breaths’ I was hooked, so when the newest novel was released my expectations were high; I was not disappointed.
One of the things I love about Tuckers writing is the way she can create lovable 3D characters that slide faultlessly into place, in both the story and the readers’ hearts.
And this time was no different.
Tucker had me laughing - and cringing - along with Ben and Reese as they got up to no good; dealing with their mutual attraction, Reese’s retaliation against her cheating ex-husband, and learning to work together despite their sizzling chemistry. Not to mention overcoming the fact that Reese is the stepdaughter of Ben’s boss, and Ben very much prefers one-night stands, to actual relationships. All of which are obstacles that lead to a thrilling and captivating story.
This novel enchanted me from the first page until the final chapter. Full of intrigue, passion, humor, and Tuckers ability to steer clear of the forbidden and unrequited love cliché’s that one may think would be featured in the novel after reading the blurb; ‘Five Ways to Fall’ is a fresh, unique and entertaining novel and an excellent addition to the series.
I can’t wait to read whatever comes next.