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Review: Wild At Heart by K.A Tucker

Updated: Jun 24, 2020

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

“I’m deeply in love with him, and living in Toronto when he’s not here doesn’t make sense to me anymore. I’m done saying goodbye to this man.”

Wild At Heart is the stunning second book in K.A Tuckers Wild series.

Calla Fletcher returned to Toronto a different person, struggling to find direction in her life after the death of her father and the rugged bush pilot she left behind in the wilds of Alaska.

But it isn’t long before Jonah shows up on her doorstep with a proposition she can’t dismiss. Taking a leap of faith Calla rushes back to Alaska to start a life with Jonah.

Soon Calla realises that even the best intentions can lead to broken promises, and that compromise comes with a hefty price- a log cabin in interior rural Alaska that feels just as isolating as the Western Tundra where the reunited with her father and met Jonah.

This is not the future Calla had in mind, leaving her to fear that perhaps she is doomed to follow her mother’s fleeing footsteps after all.

“She wasn’t anywhere near this emotional the last time I left for Alaska. Then again, that was temporary. That was for my father. And for me. This time … I’m moving to Alaska for Jonah. The blunt, abrasive yeti who made my life hell, who I hated only months ago, who I’ve been through so much with since. Now, I’m leaving everything I know behind to be with him.”

I absolutely adored The Simple Wild and was ecstatic when I discovered K.A Tucker was writing a sequel and we would get to read more about Jonah and Calla. Wild At Heart far surpassed any hopes or expectations I had for the rest of Calla and Jonah’s story.

(I was also super excited to have an answer for my one major question I had at the end of The Simple Wild; what happens to Jonah’s sort of pet racoon, Bandit?)

K.A Tucker has created such a rich and vivid story, that the characters seem to lift off the pages and come alive, while the vast expanses of rural Alaska is described so splendidly that it manifests in your mind’s eye with ease.

The chemistry between Jonah and Calla was just as strong in Wild At Heart as it was in The Simple Wild, and I loved being able to see them find their footing with each other as they adjusted to living together, while Calla adjusted to living in such an isolating place as rural Alaska.

“I manage to keep my composure until I’m tucked beneath our bedcovers, alone. And then I muffle my sobs with my pillow, feeling for the first time since last summer that my relationship with Jonah is surviving on borrowed time.”

I loved meeting and getting to know all the new characters, while also getting to see more of the characters we met in The Simple Wild.

Wild At Heart was the perfect sequel and a gripping and rousing novel.


Check out my Blog Tour post which contains an excerpt from the novel

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